die casting molds specifically designed for motor covers

die casting molds

Die Casting Dies: Design, Development, and Advantages

Die casting is a highly efficient manufacturing process used to produce precisely dimensioned, smooth, or textured metal parts. Utilizing molten metal injected under high pressure into reusable die casting dies, die casting provides a cost-effective solution for mass production of non-ferrous metal parts. Originating in the early 19th century, die casting has evolved significantly, playing a pivotal role in various industries, including automotive, aerospace, and consumer electronics. This article will explore the intricacies of die cast dies, from their design and development to the advantages and disadvantages of the process.

The die casting machine for high pressure die casting dies
die casting dies

Understanding Die Casting Molds

Metallic Permanent Molds

A die casting mold is a metallic permanent mold used in conjunction with a die casting machine. It contains the mold cavity, which forms the contours and dimensions of the casting. The liquid die casting alloy is fed through channels known as the gating system.

Components of a Die Casting Mold

A die casting mold is typically composed of two parts: the fixed (stationary) mold half and the movable (ejector) mold half. The stationary half is mounted on the machine’s fixed plate, while the ejector half is attached to the movable plate and contains the casting ejector. The two halves are closed and held together by the die locking force during casting. The surface between the halves is known as the mold parting plane. Core slides, operated mechanically or hydraulically, demold cavities or undercuts.

Schematic Construction and Standardization

Figures often illustrate the schematic construction of die casting dies. The stationary die half includes the pattern plate and mounting plate, while the movable half contains the ejector and associated components. The tool parts of die casting molds are standardized in DIN 16750:1991, and the requirements for metal molds for non-ferrous alloys are outlined in EN 12891.

High-Pressure Die Cast Dies

High-pressure die cast dies are renowned for producing thousands of high-quality molded casts in a short time using a single mold. This method ensures uniform quality and accuracy, making it a cost-effective choice for manufacturing premium quality, near net shape parts.

High-Pressure Die Casting (HPDC) involves the use of specialized dies to produce high-quality metal parts efficiently. Here are the primary types of HPDC dies:

Types of High-Pressure Die Casting (HPDC) Dies

  1. Hot Chamber Dies
    • Description: Also known as “gooseneck” dies, hot chamber dies are characterized by a system where the die casting machine’s injection system is submerged in the molten metal.
    • Components: Includes a gooseneck, nozzle, and piston.
    • Advantages: Suitable for low-melting-point alloys like zinc, magnesium, and tin; allows for rapid injection with high efficiency.
    • Applications: Commonly used for producing smaller parts with high precision, such as components for electronics and automotive applications.
  1. Cold Chamber Dies
    • Description: In cold chamber dies, the molten metal is manually poured into a separate chamber before being injected into the mold.
    • Components: Features a separate injection cylinder and a cold chamber.
    • Advantages: Ideal for high-melting-point alloys such as aluminum, magnesium, and copper; provides better temperature control and longer die life.
    • Applications: Typically used for larger and more complex parts, such as engine blocks and structural components in the automotive and aerospace industries.
  1. Multi-Cavity Dies
    • Description: Multi-cavity dies are designed to produce multiple parts simultaneously from a single mold.
    • Components: Incorporates several cavities in the same die to increase production efficiency.
    • Advantages: Reduces production time and costs; maximizes the use of the die.
    • Applications: Used for manufacturing high-volume components, such as consumer goods and industrial parts.
  1. Single-Cavity Dies
    • Description: Single-cavity dies are designed to produce one part per cycle.
    • Components: Features a single cavity for the desired part shape.
    • Advantages: Offers high precision and is ideal for parts requiring intricate details and high quality.
    • Applications: Suitable for specialized or low-volume production runs where high detail and quality are critical.
  1. Insert Dies
    • Description: Insert dies involve placing removable inserts within the main die to create different features or geometries in the casting.
    • Components: Includes interchangeable inserts that can be replaced or modified.
    • Advantages: Provides flexibility and cost savings by allowing different part features to be produced using the same die.
    • Applications: Used for parts requiring varying internal features or geometries, such as automotive components with integrated features.
  1. Core Dies
    • Description: Core dies are used to create internal cavities or complex geometries within the casting.
    • Components: Includes core pins or slides that form internal voids or shapes.
    • Advantages: Enables the creation of hollow or multi-chambered parts with complex internal features.
    • Applications: Commonly used in parts requiring internal channels or structural voids, such as engine components and housings.
  1. Straw Dies
    • Description: Also known as “thin-wall” dies, straw dies are designed to produce parts with very thin walls.
    • Components: Features intricate cooling channels and thin wall designs.
    • Advantages: Allows for the production of lightweight parts with high precision and detail.
    • Applications: Used for applications requiring thin-walled, lightweight components, such as in the electronics and consumer goods industries.

Each type of HPDC die is tailored to specific materials, production requirements, and part designs, ensuring optimal efficiency and quality in the die casting process.


Advantages of HPDC Dies

DSW provides custom zinc and aluminum die casting mold production services. Their first-class engineering team oversees all aspects of tooling and the injection process, ensuring the development of high-quality dies. Key advantages of HPDC dies include:

  • First-class engineering: Ensuring precision and efficiency in design.
  • In-house tool design: Allowing for customized solutions tailored to specific needs.
  • Management of all tooling aspects: From design to production.
  • Development of injection process parameters: Optimizing the casting process for better results.
  • Superior mold material selection and hardness: Using premium materials to enhance durability and performance.
  • Flow simulation: Predicting the flow of molten metal to improve mold design.
  • Excellent repeatability and efficiency: Ensuring consistent quality across large production runs.

Die Casting Mold Manufacturing Process

Steps in Manufacturing Die Casting Molds

  1. Mold Creation: Die casting molds are created in at least two sections for proper casting removal.
  2. Mounting: Sections are securely mounted in the machine, with one stationary and one movable.
  3. Clamping: The halves are tightly clamped together.
  4. Injection: Molten metal is injected into the die cavity and solidifies quickly.
  5. Ejection: The halves separate, and the casting is ejected.

Construction of HPDC Dies

High-pressure die casting dies are made from premium, heat-resistant steel grades. They are designed to withstand repeated thermal shock and high pressure, enabling the production of a large quantity of small to medium-sized castings with high accuracy.

Additional Considerations in Die Casting Mold Design

Factors to Consider

Several factors should be considered before starting a die casting mold development project, including:

  • Gate calculation, feeding speed, and fill time: Ensuring optimal flow of molten metal.
  • Press size and clamping forces calculation: Matching the mold design with machine capabilities.
  • Shot sleeve choice and calculation: Ensuring proper injection of molten metal.
  • Venting and overflows: Preventing defects and ensuring smooth casting.
  • Establishing machining stock: Allowing for post-casting machining processes.

Advantages of Die Casting Mold Development

Die casting offers numerous benefits, including:

  • High thermal and electrical conductivity: Ideal for electronic and thermal applications.
  • Good processing properties: Ease of machining and finishing.
  • EMI/RFI isolation: Shielding electronic components from electromagnetic interference.
  • Enhanced corrosion resistance: Prolonging the lifespan of cast parts.
  • Greater strength and hardness: Providing durable and robust components.
  • Near limitless shape possibilities: Allowing for complex and intricate designs.
  • Improved dimensional accuracy: Ensuring consistency and precision in mass production.
  • Fast production times: Reducing lead times and increasing efficiency.
  • The ability to cast external threads and over-mold steel inserts: Offering versatility in design and functionality.

High-Pressure Die Casting in DSW

DSW has been enhancing its aluminum die casting mold capabilities since 2002, with a range of die casting machines and a daily yield of one ton. They emphasize the importance of mold quality, working closely with qualified vendors to ensure high standards in design, material selection, and production. By incorporating advanced technologies and best practices, DSW consistently delivers high-quality die casting solutions to meet diverse industry needs.

Challenges and Solutions in Die Casting Mold Development

Common Challenges

  • Thermal Fatigue: Repeated heating and cooling cycles can cause mold materials to degrade.
  • Porosity: Gas entrapment can lead to defects in the final cast product.
  • Dimensional Variations: Inconsistent cooling rates can cause shrinkage and warping.


  • Advanced Materials: Using heat-resistant and durable materials can mitigate thermal fatigue.
  • Vacuum Die Casting: Reducing gas entrapment and porosity.
  • Precision Engineering: Ensuring uniform cooling and accurate mold design to minimize dimensional variations.

Future Trends in Die Casting

Innovations to Watch

  • Automated Systems: Increasing efficiency and reducing human error through automation.
  • Sustainable Practices: Utilizing eco-friendly materials and processes to minimize environmental impact.
  • Advanced Simulations: Enhancing mold design and process optimization through sophisticated simulation tools.

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